He Thought Shanghai Was In Korea, So Who Cares
by Alexander Webber
J.G Ballard, Walter Benjamin, The Proclaimers, Eric Idle, and a Fibre Glass strawberry (to name just a few) convene in a metalogueous manner with the artist, to discuss sense-making and referential systems within art, all in a 16:9 ratio.
Tribute to borrowed Space
by Andrea Basto Ball
To thank Spaces for lending themselves to the hosting of Art, a week-long appreciation ceremony will be performed. Resulting in spatial behavioural changes and the opportunity for increased subjective dialogues.
Apparitions of Use
by Michael Fowler
Simulated sonic layers of human intervention and occupation imbue space with historical contextualization. How does a static location or space evolve with consistently dynamic variance in use, and how can we as occupiers experience this temporal condition all at once?
The embrace
by Ariana Muizi Gutiérrez
That one that so many times you need and it is not there, that one that is ripped off and kept from you by a distance of three thousand kilometers... Or even more. The objective of the piece is to make palpable, to transmit, the pain, the difficulty to go on. It talks about trying to create a place for yourself among thousands, millions of unknown people, landscapes, sensations. It is anything and everything at the same time, all and none. Just like needing someone that is not there anymore, and that is never going to be back again.
by Katie Mc Fadden
The modern world has established an intimate relation with screens but can intimacy itself be achieved through screens? The intimacy implied in the act of taking off one’s clothes in front of another is challenged by doing such an act through a screen and is imbued with complexity due to added elements of anonymity, gender, and power.
Texts from the peripheries
by Sten Eltermaa
The method of production of the texts is as follows: I practiced automatic writing for 3 weeks, every day. From these texts i cut out words or combinations of words that seemed important to me, intellectually or emotionally. Then i combined the cutouts with each other. The result can be seen as short thoughts varying from personal to ideological level.
by Tamar Paal
We live in a time which has gradually shifted to the question of the sustainability of society. Our limited energy resources, economic inequalities, and pollution are just some of the problems that can lead to the collapse of our society. The question is; "When will this bubble burst?"
Culture Protective Vest
by Richard Engel
Many people are afraid, afraid of losing their culture or identity. This fear manifests itself in a shift to the right, that runs all over the world. Instead of finding similarities between cultures, differences are sought. The "Culture Protective Vest" is addressing this fear. The vest is made of the typical culture of the country and protects the wearer from foreign influences. With the help of the vest, the wearer can move safely in other cultures than his own, without running the risk of infecting himself with foreign culture.
Flowers to Miša
by Heidi Paju
Fine particles of matter. Matter of corrosion. Corrosion of a character. Character building. Building full of dust, broken tiles, forgotten memories and disposed hopes. What happens after industry is removed from industrial space? A post-industrial realm that has no purpose? A parallel reality shifted slightly to the left from ‘normcore’ reality.
The work addresses the questions of reality and feeds the doubts - what is real, what artificial and what is disposed by these two? Exhibited work is inspired by the past of space in use.
by Mari Männa
The action in a public library investigates labeling and prejudices. Labeling helps us to adapt society and make decisions in our daily life. On the other hand, this may lead us to give superficial judgements.
I am also curious about the myth of an author. Some author’s private life is so closely related to their work that it is difficult and perhaps not necessary to ignore. In a way I am questioning Roland Barthes' theory of the death of the author.
The Sculpture made by one strip-club owner
by Olesja Semenkova
Industrial space, where machines once worked, was supported by the state, because space was needed for something. Then, everything changed and space ceased to be used as an industrial. Art, at the moment, is supported too, for example local Culture Capital, where 70% of the money last year came from alcohol excise, tobacco and gambling. I will built in the room one additional column, consisting of luxury champagne boxes, which i borrowed from owner of one local strip club. Next, as a tintamarresque, will be used the first and single photo of the stripper, founded in the state archive, so that everyone could feel themselves as a metaphoric Atlas for the world of local contemporary art.